The pages of his cursed dreams Continuation of chapter 1

( Unattainable Desires)
By: (me) Princess
Continuation of chapter 1…. (Julius)
“Uhhhhmmm… Hi.” Why are you so tall!?… You were smaller than me when we were like five…!
“I’ll take that as a yes, nice to finally meet you… err, what happened to you?…” Worried covered her face… Noticing my expression.
“I’m the one supposed to ask that..! Why are you taller than me..?!” Hight matters! For me it does.
“Huh…what.? I’m only a few centimeters taller than you. Why how old are you?” Questioning, having her grin back on her lips again… Gosh she’s pretty…. Wait what?
“How old I am? We’re the same age.” Confused… For a second… As her booming laugher come echoing out her mouth….
“A-are you mocking me…?” Confused…
“Pft~ No I’m making fun of you.”
“But isn’t that like the same thing.?” Still confused. As I witnessed her bowing her head then, come facing me…. As annoyance finally filled my face!
As her mockery...

goes on for over minutes…
___________end of flashback
I don’t remember her being this annoying. Gazing baside her, as she giggled staring at their photo together when their little…
The day they confess love for one another…the same day she moved away…
“What do you keep on giggling about?”
“This picture. It’s when we confess our feeling for one another, right? I think it was just stupid.” Still grinning as if being playful.
The thought of it shattered me… But then again
Why bother….
“Well between the two of us, I think you’re more thick skinned. Confessing you’re love for me first… Then calling it off, saying I was stupid” I felt more annoyed than usual… She’s not my sweet little Makenzie…
Hurt filled her face, that glint for a second. As her grin widen…..
“That’s why I said it’s stupid….hehe~”
“Cut off some slack! It’s not like we felt something romantic in that age for one another” she thought … But I thought differently
(End of chapter

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